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Albatross Encounter Update August 2009
Welcome to the Ocean Wings update for the month of August 2009.
This month we had some great weather, particularly when we compare with the same month in 2008. In regards sightings for the month we had our regulars as well as Antarctic fulmar, white morph (southern giant petrel), but unfortunately no sightings of the elusive grey petrel. We are not seeing so many black-browed albatross, but the Westland petrel and Salvin's albatross are becoming more regular and toward the end of August we of course see large numbers of our wonderful Hutton's shearwaters. For a look at what we saw this month go to our sightings page.
Well August is Bristish Bird Fair month and once again we sent Gary Melville (one of our skippers) and Jo Thompson (Marketing and Promotions) to attend this years event. This year the Fair was one of the most successful with a record attendance and Gary and Jo were kept busy throughout the 3 days. We have some photos taken during the Fair.
With the record numbers attending the Fair this year, the auction stand was well supported and raised nearly for the Saving Endangered Species programme. Albatross Encounter once again donated an albatross print on canvas taken by General Manager and photographer, Dennis Buurman, to this very worthwhile cause.
Another project Albatross Encounter has been involved with is the project to develop a Spanish-language educational resource about seabirds and bycatch for fishing communities and fishing schools that will be appropriate to use in many South American countries. This project has been undertaken by the Southern Seabird Solutions Trust and Pro Delphinus and we are very pleased to be associated with this project as a sponsor. It is very important that all fishing communities that operate in the Southern Ocean, realise the impirtance of employing mitigation methods to prevent the accidental catching of seabirds.
Well lets hope we have continued good operating conditions for pelagic trips in Kaikoura..........till next time